Zodiac Supernatural

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Case Notes: East Fork State Park: Cemetery

Captured from Full Ghost Hunt

History of the Haunted East Fork Cemetery

Map of East Fork Park Today

Multiple claims of haunted activity come from all over the park. However the East Fork Park Cemetery (Also known as the Old Bethel Cemetery) seems to be a major source of most of them. It may have to do with the fact that most of what is left of the history is in this cemetery. The town that most of these old residences lived in was either destroyed to build the park, or flooded when the lake was filled with water. The park expands 2,107 acres of water alone. It stands between Bethel, Batvia, Williamsburg, and Bantam Ohio. However the history starts way before the start of the park in the 1970’s.

Between 3000 years ago and today, multiple tribes of Indian use to live on these lands. Such as the Adena, Hopewell, and Erie Indians. However, it was said they were destroyed by Iroquois in 1655. By the Early 19th century settlers started moving in, but the land was not claimed till Reverend John Collins created the small settlement very near Horseshoe bend in 1807. Which is now the heart of East fork lake. Rev. Collins was know for building the original church in East fork and multiple more through out the United States. However, this church has been rebuilt multiple times since.

Picture from Zodiac Supernatural Instagram

In 1869 two gold mines operated near the town, Grist mills, blacksmith shops, tanneries, and stagecoaches. It was considered the Prime town in Clermont County, and was recommend to be the County head offices. However, floods from the Little Miami began to become dangerous. Thus in mid 20th century, it was voted that the town would become the center of the flood control program. However, there was many families not willing to give up their family farms. Some even decided to take their own lives over leaving. Soon, in 1978, the Army Corps of Engineers built the East Fork Reservoir, and creating Harsha Lake. Though the story seems grim, The park has provided much enjoyment for many families through out the years, and same thousands of lives as it controlled the flood. It is theorized how ever that the restless spirits of East fork are not happy with what has happened to their families and the land that was once theirs. That the aggressive Ghost of East Fork park want their land returned to them, at all cost.

Supernatural Claims of East Fork

Captured from Full Ghost hunt video

Though there are many famous graves plotted here such as Rev. Collins, and his son Richard Collins, and President Grants grandparents. Most claim the spirits they see are connected to either the land owners that took their life, or feel uneasy about the change. Some even theorize that the spirits in the woods may be connected to the Indians that once lived on the land. However, there have been many claims of Shadow people walking around the graveyard and in the woods near by. Some have even been claimed to be attacked by said spirits. Others have smelt a strong old perfume, or the smell of garlic. There are also claims of screams coming from within the woods, normally a female scream. There have also been claims of ghost attacks coming from the woods near the back of the cemetery. Lastly, many people have claimed of voices coming from the stones, as if the spirits are talking to them. There is also a tree with a shape of a door grown inside of it, that has been claimed to have knocking come from it. There have also been claims of unknown creatures seen through out the woods near by. People claim that Bigfoot or Wendigo may live with in the woods of East Fork. Sighting of UFO have also been claimed to be seen. This park is considered a hot spot of activity.

Our Hunt For Evidence

Captured From Live Ghost Hunt

Zodiac Supernatural have been going here since the begging of the team. They have experienced a lot of weird phenomenon. However, they do not like to claim what they have not been able to capture on either film or voice recordings. I will make a list of Evidence and questionable down below. This is for mainly the Cemetery for this park is very big, and there is a lot to cover. There are multiple videos on their channel for other parts of this park. Such as investigating Devils Gate, and Hunting for Bigfoot.


Video clip from full Ghost Hunt on Youtube

  • Knocking from Tree Door/

Though it is unclear why this tree looks like it has a door in it. We have recorded evidence that knocking does come from it. It is located next to Richard Collins grave stone.

  • Flashlight test: Richard Collins/
    Richard Collins has spoken to us in many different forms, and even though we don’t like to use the flash light test as solid evidence. We have captured Richard turning on and off the flashlight multiple times on multiple visits. Also he has been captured responding to us through EVP.

  • Perfume Smell/
    Even though this cannot be captured on video, multiple people have visited with Zodiac Supernatural smelling the same perfume. It happened through out the location and it does not smell modern. It is a flowery smell but not like any flowers in the whole park. The smell seems to relate to a perfume dating back to the 60’s.


Video clip from Zodiac Supernaturals YouTube

  • Voices/Movement
    Though we have captured a lot of voices on evp, most of them very nearby the recorder. It is a park, so most voices many people hear maybe in the woods, or somewhere else in the park. We have also noticed how sounds such as voices and walking can echo off the grave stones. It is also very possible the moment in the woods is also an animal.

  • Being touched/
    We have had our cloth be grabbed and pulled. Even to the point of a hand print forming where it was grabbed. However we cannot prove all grabbing to be this. It is a park with a lot of fallen debris everywhere and easy to be snagged on.

  • Shadow people/
    Zodiac Supernatural has easily seen shadow figures walking throughout the cemetery. Moving from one stone to the other. or walking towards us then dissipating. However we have been unable to capture it on film. We have noticed that some grave stones are as tall as people, and angled from erosion. Many new comers may see these as shadow people on dark nights.

  • Lights in the Church/
    The church is normally empty for most of the year. Though there is electricity to the church. We have seen as lights turn off an on, on their own inside the church. However we have been unable to prove if it is faulty lighting since we have no access inside the church.

Saving the Cemetery

Captured by Cody Dodson

The Cemetery has been the birth place of Zodiac Supernatural. In return we would love to help it. Most of the stones have either been lost to time, or fallen due to erosion. Even though there are claims of hostel activity. We have also talked to a lot of the people buried there. Most of them are nice spirits, very friendly and active. They have helped us understand more about our equipment and more than we can explain. To what spirits that reside there, this is their home. We wish to help them stay happily. We have helped a few of them move on, but to the ones that wish to stay we want to help them. We would like to start a charity event on which we can give money to the state that goes directly to this cemetery. To help build it back, keep the spirits happy, and make this cemetery beautiful again. To some, this is all that is left of their family, and homes. We want to help. However, we are still finding information on HOW we can do this. If you have any information on how to help please contact us at ZodiacSupernatual@gmail.com or find us on the contact page.

Very Important Information

There have been reports of people going missing in the woods of East Fork State Park. May this be because of Cryptids, Ghost, or the act of people. Please be careful going off trail. This is a big park filled with wildlife. There have also been multiple deaths recorded here. Please stay on the trails and/or in public view. We like to solve mysteries, but we also want people safe. Some evils are hard to find, and some cannot be stopped. Be safe out there.