Our Team


Cody Dodson (LEO)

Cody “Leo” Dodson - Leader of Zodiac Supernatural - A ghost hunter and paranormal investigator for over 17 years, dedicating most of his life to studying the unknown. With research in Parapsychology, demonology, alchemy, and many more. He has also taken the time to try and expand his knowledge in multiple fields of religion. To further understand exorcisms, along with other techniques, and how to properly do them. His goal is to understand why and how things happen in the paranormal world, and find ways to teach others about it.

Cody has also been a leader of multiple Paranormal groups, but this is the first he has taken into social media. He wishes to teach viewers by entertaining them. To build a stronger paranormal community in social media, so we can work together and learn together.

James Snider (ARIES)

James “Aries” Snider - Co-Host and Second in command of Zodiac Supernatural. James has been studying and learning about the paranormal for over 6 years now. However, his first major paranormal experience happened to him when he was 16. Though he is still learning, his leadership skills has helped him expand Zodiac Supernatural to where they are today. His goal is to understand the paranormal world so he can help others. Rather it be to help the living sleep better at night, or help the dead move on.

Roger Caudle (CANCER)

Roger “Cancer” Caudle - Camera operator of Zodiac Supernatural. Roger has been investigating the paranormal for more than 10 years. He use to run the now defunct group Cincy Supernatural, so he has plenty of experience leading investigations, ghost hunting, and understanding evidence. Roger helps with teaching the crew on the newest technologies, and understanding the social media background.
Roger has been film-making since 2012 and has been a photographer since 2015. Roger has worked with models and professional film crews, allowing his knowledge of the camera to help with Zodiac Supernatural’s Production. He is great at holding cameras.

Lee Lewis (PISCES)

Lee “Pisces” Lewis Is the newest member of Zodiac Supernatural. He joined the group to learn how to handle and work with equipment and to explore this world. A world that is full of energy, mystery, and more. He believes that there are many things in this world that haven't been explored, from the understanding of spirits, to the reasoning for haunted locations. The journey is just starting for him and he plans on taking this adventure head on and helping the crew along the way. He has learned a lot since he joined and hopes to help the Zodiacs in the search of the unknown, and pushing them to their true potential.