Case Notes : Licking County Historical Jail

The Haunted Licking County Historical Jail has been plagued with multiple confirmed deaths and suicides. Located in Newark, Ohio, many paranormal investigators, including Ghost Adventures have claimed it to be one of the most haunted places in America. The building is over 100 years, but was only a jail for 98 years. However Zodiac Supernatural’s experience was quite unique.

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Case Notes: Moonville Tunnel

Moonville Tunnel is claimed to be very Haunted. There has been multiple ghost sightings and claimed activity. Historically the town of Moonville has been through a lot. Yet the tunnel still stands strong as a marker in it’s history. Along with spirits who have died in a train wreck, or hit by a train. Many people go out in search for these spirits. However, Zodiac Supernatural had a different kind of experience.

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Case Notes: The Mayhem Mansion

Mayhem Mansion is a season Haunted House every Halloween. However, there are many claims this place is actually haunted. Zodiac Supernatural go and investigate these claims by spending the night there and hunt for the ghost that may be creating this activity. Though the place is creepy in itself, they did not expect what they ended up finding. These are the case notes of the Haunted Mayhem Mansion Ghost Hunt.

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Case Notes: East Fork State Park: Cemetery

East Fork State Park in Clermont, Ohio (also known as Old Bethel Cemetery) is considered to be very haunted. With History from Indian tribes, to settlers to present day events, it’s no wonder there is so much supernatural activity recorded here. Claims of Shadowy spirits, screams in woods, and even signs of Bigfoot. Zodiac Supernatural Investigates the ghostly activity in the cemetery to see if the claims are true.

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Case Notes: Ohio State Reformatory

Ohio State Reformatory (OSR) (also known as Mansfield Reformatory) is known as one of the most aggressively haunted places in Ohio. With spirits known for pushing, pulling, and causing physical pain. Multiple people have left here with scratches and even bruises. With the history it has had it is no wonder it has gained such a reputation. Zodiac Supernatural was lucky enough to experienced a lot of this activity.

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Case Notes: Dead Man’s Curve: Faceless Hitchhiker

The Faceless Hitchhiker of Dead Man’s Curve in Clermont County, Ohio is known to be one of the most aggressive road ghost. Haunting this road by chasing down cars, throwing rocks, and even appearing in peoples car. However, the history of this road is a bloody one. Zodiac Supernatural go and investigate to see if these claims are true.

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Case Notes: Utopia Underground Church

The Haunted Underground Church is located in Utopia Ohio. Ohio’s southern ghost town. Known for being the phalanxes communal Utopia for a few years, before it was flooded killing most of its members. There have been claims of these members still haunting the shoreline of the Ohio River, wet and angry at their spiritualist leader for what he caused. Zodiac Supernatural Go and ghost hunt this church in hopes of finding proof of their activity there.

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