Case Notes: Utopia Underground Church

Captured by Roger “Cancer” Caudle

Utopia’s Haunted Underground Church History

Captured by Cody “Leo” Dodson

Utopia is a town built on dreams and ideas. The small town located in southern Ohio has a history many seem to forget. Built as a Phalanxes community in 1844, following the philosophy’s of Charles Fourier, who believed that all work and profits should be shared equally. Being one of the earliest philosophy that began with equal rights for all gender, race, and economic standings for their time. The house they built a 30 room communal brick house with private dwellings. However the community feel apart just two years later after they stopped making money and constantly had fights.

Captured By Roger “Cancer” Caudle

The land was soon bought by John Otis Wattles, now leader of the spiritualist. After building his new reputation and new community he would tell outsiders that they would practice cult like activities to keep strangers and locals out. Wattles had the main building moved closer to the Ohio river, against the wish of his community. Then on December 13th, 1847 he decided to hold a party there. But, the party was cut short when a flash flood happened. Flooding the house and killing 150 of 156 people there. Wattles was one of the only ones to survive. They claim that not only is the Church haunted, but the river banks where the bodies washed up are haunted as well. Haunted by his ghostly followers, soak in wet and angry from the betrayal of their leader.

Claims of the Underground Church

Captured by Cody “Leo” Dodson

Most claim that this hall is haunted by different types of spirits. Some being from the flood, Others being from work hands. People have claimed to hear voices, walking, and even being attacked. One story states on how a person was aggressive to the spirits, and were pushed down onto the dirt floor, as the spirit hovered over them. Another story states they have header screaming and singing down below as well. One of the biggest claims is this is a church. However, Zodiac Supernatural went to Batvia Hall of Records (the records of all of Southern Ohio dating back to 1800’s), and found that the building was registered as a distillery/brewery. This would make sense for the 4 oven hatches they have on the sides of the building, and giant doors to make it easier to depart from the product. However saying this does not disclaim it could of been a church at one time, or that the spirits that haunt this hall is not part of the flood in 1847. Below will be added the evidence and questionable evidence founded by Zodiac Supernatural.


Captured from YouTube Video

  • Music/
    Music coming from down below, or up top is difficult to place. The downstairs echos a lot and since there is no structure or foundation up top, music can be heard from car radios for miles. However, this doesn’t mean music doesn’t come from down here, just mean data is very corruptible.

  • Footsteps/
    The Zodiacs heard a bunch of moving while down there. Especially when they were not moving. It is also a one room location. However, we caught on camera a few time mice moving across glass and rocks creating heavy noise. It was also raining that night causing sounds to bounce around the arched ceiling. However we cannot conclude what was animal and what was paranormal. Data was corrupted,


  • Voices/
    Though it was raining and the sounds echoed off walls. During our investigation we picked up a clear woman’s voice, and a males voice different from the three men that were there.

  • Emf Readings/
    The Underground church has no electricity in it, and all phones were left in the truck. There was no signs of EMF. However, we were able to pick up a few EMF readings during our questioning. These devices would not be able to pick up the EMF from the roadside above ground.