Case Notes: Moonville Tunnel

Picture Captured by Cody Dodson

The Haunted Train Tunnel History

From the website

Moonville was once known for being a tiny coal town during the mid 1800s. With a small population and known for its curvy roads, it was a hard town to find. In fact, by the 1950s the only thing left of the town was a few abandoned houses, and a lonely stretch of railway between Marietta and Cincinnati. Now the town and railroad has been lost to time. With over grown trees and weeds the land has been covered in mystery.

The Haunted Claims

Captured from video

There have been many claims of supernatural activity surrounding Moonville tunnel. How ever none that have been more common than the two spirits reported by multiple people. One being the train engineer Theodore “Frank” Lawhead. The train he was driving had a head on collision with another train on the tracks. He was not the only person to die in the wreck that night. However, multiple people have stated to see him walk the tracks. Another is of a woman who is seen carrying a lantern up the tracks. It was said her eyes were glistened like balls of fire as well. There have also been claims of a ghost train near and on the tracks as well. Most have suspected it to be the train that Theodore was driving that night.

Zodiac Supernatural’s Experience

Capture from full video

Zodiac Supernatural followed the train track through Moonville tunnel onward in search of a rumored town that was abandoned. Walking over 5 miles they passed 3 broken down bridges, multiple abandoned electric poles, multiple lakes, and old foundations. The rail road no longer existed but the foundation was still in tacked. They even walked it in the dark in hopes of seeing the lantern spirit. However they did not come across any paranormal activity. While they were investigating the tunnel at night, they did hear footsteps and distant talking. However, the park is a very popular place, and evidence was corrupted. They would like to go again and stay the night, with the parks permission. Just because nothing happened that night, doesn’t mean the spirits are not active.