Case Notes: Ohio State Reformatory

History of the Haunted Ohio Reformatory

Captured By Cody “Leo” Dodson

Also known as the Mansfield Reformatory. Built in 1886 and operated till 1990. However in 1861 the land itself was used for a Civil War training camp for soldiers. Over 200 people died at the OSR, including two guards who were killed during escape attempts during it’s time of being open. They then built a new updated prison next door, turning this one into a museum in 1990. Since then the building has been used for multiple movies, television shows, and Music Videos. Such as The Shawshank Redemption, Godsmack’s “Awake”, And Ghost Asylum on Destination America.

Captured by Cody “Leo” Dodson Inside a Cell

However, there is a dark history that most don’t talk about. Much like Licking County Historical Jail, the reformatory became very crowded in the 1960’s. They stated to double bunk inmates, forcing double occupancy in each cell. In OSR this created heavy conflict and disease. In the 1930’s, a riot broke out in the East Cell Block. After 120 rioters were captured, and forced a week without food or water. This Caused many inmates to go on the brink of madness and even death. During its operation 215 graves were made out back. No names, just numbers. These were just the inmates that the families didn’t come to collect. Now the sit in a shallow grave, with no name to represent them.

The Ghostly Claims

Captured By Lee “Pisces” Lewis

Most of the claims that happen in OSR are the ones surrounded by aggressive spirits. From being pulled, to being bushed. Some even leave OSR with bruises and major scratches. This doesn’t just happen to the the Ghost hunters that come to investigate. This also happens to people just taking the tour. Some have even seen dark apparitions walking the corridors, or slamming cell doors shut. Zodiac Supernatural was only there for a few hours. However in their time there, they were able to experience slight apparitions, ghostly touching, Multiple voices and even aggressive attacks in the solitary confinement. Down below i will add the evidence and the questionable.


  • Aggressive Attack/
    During our time in Solitary Confinement, 3 people were attacked. All feeling the same thing. Each happening around 5 minutes apart. A sharp attack from the bottom jaw line. Through the mouth and up to the upper cheekbone. Almost like a facial shank.

  • Voices/
    On video we captured multiple voices. Our best is in Solitary Confinement, Where we captured spirits talking to each other about the noise we were making. One by one they argue with each other.

  • Walking/
    Though walking can echo easily through these corridors, it’s very hard to disprove when everyone in the area is with you. Along with everyone hearing it as well.

  • Blindness/
    There is a room that is said to have shadows walk in it. Spirits that like complete darkness. Normally this would be under questionable, however, as we investigated this room one of our people were blinded. Normally this would be as expected. Except we all had our lights on, and camera equipment still on. The room was lit up and everyone else could see.


Captured from full ghost hunt video

  • EMF (Electromagnetic Field Detection)/
    There was a lot of EMF Readings. However it is know the location still has electricity running. With the place as big as it was radios were needed. Even if they are on a different channel, the call out will cause interference and data corruption.

  • Black Mass Shadows/
    Though we encountered black mass shadows, it is hard to prove since we were unable to catch it on camera. With most claims it is also very hard to prove with the location being bitch black during night time.

  • Doors Slamming/
    We encountered doors shutting causing an uproar of noise. There is not wind that can easily travel through the corridors. However, with echo and atmosphere of the location, a slight metal hitting metal sounds aggressive and forceful.